Standing Terminal T1
Complete system for updating ID cards
Our proven complete system for updating Identification, e.g. semester extensions. The powerful Thermo Rewrite (TRW) printer, as well as the integrated software components, ensure the smoth flow of ID card extensions, even when processing high quantities. The terminal is user friendly for those using wheelchairs as well as standing upright. The front and the screen output can be designed individually.
Wall Mounted Terminal T2
Complete system for updating ID cards
Compact, elegant and with an individual design. Our proven complete system for updating ID cards,for example semester extensions from a wall mounted device. The wall mounting system is space-saving and includes all components of the ID extension.
Desktop Terminal T3
Card extension device for the office space
The ANA-U Desktop T3 extension system is an inexpensive validation variant for ID cards in small numbers. A compact system consiting of a desktop unit with software components. This device is portable, it also allows for remote network connectivity, making it accessible anywhere in the world.